Swish is a mobile payment service widely used in Sweden. It allows users to make instant and secure transactions (including person-to-person payments, splitting bills, and making purchases) using their smartphones. Users typically link their bank accounts to the Swish app, making it a convenient and popular method for transferring funds securely. Swish has gained widespread adoption in Sweden (at both physical stores and online shops) due to its simplicity, speed, and reliability. It's commonly used for everyday transactions, replacing the need for cash in many situations. To go live with Swish in payever you need an agreement with Swedbank.
We pass on all Swish fees to you with no surcharge. If you already have a Swish account with Swedbank, the conditions agreed will be retained when you switch to payever.
How to install Swish in your payever account
In order to configure Swish, first open the Checkout app. To do this, either click on the Checkout symbol under Business Apps or click on the Manage or Open button on the Checkout section.
You can find the payment methods tab in the navigation bar on the left.
Then click on + Add.
Now a list of different payment methods appears, from which you will need to select Swish. To do so, please click on install.
After you have successfully installed the payment method, click Open.
Once the installed the payment method is opened, you will be asked to enter your Swish credentials. The necessary credentials (Access Token/Payee ID) will be provided to you by Swedbank directly and must be entered here in order to activate the payment option in your payever account. Confirm by clicking connect.
How to activate Swish in your payever account
You can activate or deactivate the payment method in your payever account at any time. If you deactivate the payment methods by clicking the toggle switch, they will automatically disappear from your shop without you having to configure this in your shops backend (of course, this also works the other way around - when activating a payment method).