The financing (loan) is offered in cooperation with our partner Santander Consumer Bank. Your customer has the option of paying in monthly installments, whereas you will receive the full amount from Santander shortly after the goods have been shipped. Please note that in addition to a payever account (create for free) you also need a contract with Santander for this payment method. To complete this please contact, where you can have a personalized offer put together.
Terms and conditions
The financing (loan) is suitable for amounts from at least 1.990 NOK up to 50,000 NOK (maximum amount may be determined individually for merchants with Santander). When using one of our plugins, these limits are usually set automatically, so that the payment method is not displayed if the amount is outside this range.
This financing (loan) option is only available to customers based in Norway .
Please note that the installment option can only be offered to private consumers (not suitable for corporate customers).
Please also note that for this payment method the billing address must be the same as the shipping address (for fraud prevention). When using one of our plugins, this is automatically set so that the payment method is not displayed if a different address has been entered.
After the payment has been completed, the customer is forwarded to payever, where information about the financial situation (income, living costs, etc.) must be provided. This flow is dynamic and will alter based on if the customer already has an account with Santander, how much credit the customer is allowed, etc. If the customer sends this form in full, a Santander algorithm makes a first decision based on the data entered and automated queries at credit agencies. Scoring decides if a loan application is approved or not.
If this turns out negative, the customer is asked to choose another payment method. If the application is approved the customer must sign some documents to agree to the loan (using BankID). When the documents are signed the merchant will be notified through predefined endpoints.
Before the identification is completed, a transaction in payever has the status "in progress" (in your shop this can also mean "open", "payment check" or "waiting for payment", depending on the shop system). Once the identification is complete, the status in payever automatically changes to "Accepted" (in your shop system, for example, "Paid", "Fully paid" or simply "OK"). You will also receive a corresponding notification by email. Please only send the goods after the status change. When Santander has been notified about this the customer's account will be debited and the vendor will eventually get the money from Santander.
When the goods are shipped, the transaction is activated, i.e. your customer receives the installment payment plan and you receive the corresponding amount. You must therefore report the shipment to us or the Santander. You can do this directly in the payever account (transaction details -> "Goods shipped") or via the shop system (different depending on the shop system, in Shopware 5, for example, automatically when the status changes to "Completely delivered"). Please note that some of the Santander also requires proof of delivery in the form of tracking numbers or the like (please contact your Santander contact person in this regard).
Settings in the payever account
In order to configure Santander Installments Norway, first open the Checkout app. To do this, either click on the Checkout symbol under Business Apps or click on the Manage or Open button on the Checkout section.
You can find the payment methods tab in the navigation bar on the left.
Click on + Add.
Now you can select Santander Installments Norway from the list that now appears and click on install.
When the installation is complete you need to click Open.
You will then be asked to insert your Santander credentials (Vendor ID) that you will have received in your contract with Santander. Insert them and click on Connect.
After linking the payment method, you can make the following settings:
- Redirect to shop after checkout. If activated, customers will be redirected back to your online shop after they completed the checkout process.
- Email Notifications. If activated, you will receive an email notification whenever the status of the transaction changes (e.g. from "in progress" to "accepted").
How to activate Santander Installments Norway in your payever account?
You can activate or deactivate the payment method in your payever account at any time. If you deactivate the payment methods by clicking the toggle switch, they will automatically disappear from your shop without you having to configure this in your shop backend (of course, this also works the other way around - when activating a payment method). Just go to Checkout > Payment options and switch on Santander Installments Norway.