Step 1: Register or log in
Please create your free payever account here. If you already have an account, please log in here.
Step 2: Configure payment methods
After registering or logging in, you will find yourself on the Dashboard. Now open the Checkout app (click on the Checkout icon in the Business Apps tile or on the Checkout tile).
If you are opening this app for the first time: just follow the instructions (uploading logo is optional) and select the preferred payment method(s) from the list that appears (unfold the "Santander" dropdown).
If you have already opened this app before: please select the Payment methods tab from the left navigation bar and click + Add.
From the list that appears, please select the preferred payment method and install it. If you do not see your preferred payment method right away, please scroll down.
Attention: Please pay attention to the addition "PoS" in front of the payment method! So if you want to use e.g. the Santander installment purchase via Loco-soft on site in your workshop or store, please install "PoS Santander installment purchase Germany", and not "Santander installment purchase".
Now another window will open with the notice of successful installation of the new payment method PoS Santander Installment Purchase Germany. To continue, click on the Open button.
The window that opens now looks a little different depending on the PoS payment type. For the PoS Santander installment purchase payment method, you must enter the access data you received from Santander (Sender ID, Login, Password and Channel ID).
If you do not have access data yet, please contact the provider of the payment method. For the payment methods Santander Invoice Purchase and Installment Purchase, please contact the Santander Sales Center for Mobility, if you do not have a contact person at Santander yet:
Phone: 02161-9060 250
You can, after you have successfully created the connection, determine whether the customer should be redirected directly to the store or not. If this is activated, your customer will be redirected to your order confirmation/thanks page after payment is completed. For this you just have to set a check mark and click on Save.
Step 3: Configure Connect App
Now please open the Connect App starting from the Dashboard. You can either do this in the Business Apps via Connect or in the Connect tile under Open.
Mobile payment application
In the Connect app, please first find the Communication tab in the left navigation bar. You can now select and install the Mobile Payments application.
In the Device Payments application, please turn off the Auto-Responder, enable the Second Factor, select the Verification with ID option, and then click Save.
Note: with these settings you can later use the transmission variant "QR" in Locosoft. For the "SMS" variant, you would also have to install the "Twillio" application from us and purchase a number from our partner Twillio, from which the SMS are sent. But this is not absolutely necessary, you can also just work with QR-Codes.
Application "API"
Now please search for the application API and click on Install.
If you have installed the API application, please create another API key. To do this, click + Add, give the key any name and click Save. Now click on the + to view your API keys.
Important: Please copy the following data and save it on your computer: Client ID, Client Secret and Business UUID. You will need them later to activate payever in Loco-Soft! (By clicking on Copy the data will be automatically stored in your cache, by using Ctrl + V or right click + Paste you can then store them anywhere on your computer).
Step 4: Configure PoS App
Now open the PoS app, either via the PoS icon in the Business Apps tile or via the corresponding Point of Sale tile.
First click the Connect tab, in the PoS App.
Check to see if Mobile Payments is activated here. If the corresponding switch is not activated (green), please toggle it.
Now select the Settings tab. Please copy the Terminal UUID and save it on your computer - you will also need this in the next step to activate payever in Loco-Soft!
Step 5: Complete the contact and address data
Now please enter your contact and address data in your payever account, as these will be transferred to documents (such as the installment contract) generated during the transaction.
Please open the app settings first. You can do this in the Business Apps under Settings or via the Settings tile at the bottom and Open.
Now select the Business Details section.
Now please complete your preferred telephone number and email address under Contact and your full address under Address (the address of the branch where you would like to offer payever PoS). You do not have to fill in the other fields.
Step 6: Activation in Loco-Soft
In Loco-Soft, please enter the previously copied data Client Secret, Client ID, Business ID and Terminal ID into the corresponding fields and click OK, Save credentials.
Do you have questions about any of the steps above? Please describe your problem via