If you would like to test your Plugin or API-Integration, please make sure to only do this in Sandbox Mode. The Sandbox Mode allows you to test payments without triggering a real payment.
We kindly ask you to not test outside of the Sandbox Mode, since testing payments in live can have unintended consequences - even if your cancel the transaction right away after you have submitted it (If you test too often with your own credit card, it may be locked, and if for instance you submit too many installment requests via Santander with your name, this may negatively influence your credit score).
Below you can find Stub-Data for each payment option that will allow you to complete payments in Sandbox mode without using any real data or identity.
Direct debit (stripe)
Depending on the country and desired result, there are different test IBANs to use. You can find more information at https://stripe.com/docs/testing.
Here is a small selection:
country | Desired result | IBAN |
Denmark | success | DK5000400440116243 |
Denmark | rejection | DK8003450003179681 |
Norway | success | NO9386011117947 |
Norway | rejection | NO6686011117948 |
Sweden | success | SE8150000000058398257400 |
Sweden | rejection | SE5450000000058398257401 |
Creditcard (Stripe)
Stripe has different test credit card number for each credit card brand and country. You may use the below test credentials. For the CVC you can choose any 3-digit number and date of expiry should be any future date.
Brand | Card number |
Visa | 4242 4242 4242 4242 |
Visa (debit) | 4000 0566 5566 5556 |
Mastercard | 5555 5555 5555 4444 |
Mastercard (debit) | 5200 8282 8282 8210 |
For more information, please visit https://stripe.com/docs/testing.
To test a PayPal transaction, you need to create a Sandbox account at PayPal. To learn how you can get a Sandbox account at PayPal, please visit:
Direct Bank Transfer (Klarna)
In order to simulate/test the direct bank transfer payment flow from end user perspective, enter your country and look for “Demo Bank” in the field bank name. For more information, please visit: https://developers.klarna.com/documentation/testing-environment/#developer-signup-test-credentials
Santander Invoice (Norway) and Installments (Norway, Sweden, Denmark)
Depending on which status you would like to trigger, please select the first and last name from this list. The remaining data (birthdate etc.) can be chosen randomly.
First and last name | Payment status | Explanation |
Stub Signed | Approved | Customer has been accepted by Santander, application is complete (incl. identification) |
Stub Rejected | Failed | Customer was denied by Santander. |
Stub Approved | In progress | Customer has not yet signed/ identified himself. |