Are you an organization with several employees who need to access the same payever account? In this case, we recommend you to use our employee management functionality. In this article you will learn how to create employee access, create employee groups and manage access rights.
Video summary
Where to find the employee management?
Please open the settings app. You can reach this either via the gear-symbol in the Business Apps tile or via the Open button further down in the Settings tile.
Then click on Employee from the left navigation bar.
How to add new employees
Under Employees you will now see an overview of all employees that have been invited to this account already.
If you want to add a new employee, click on the + Symbol.
Please enter the name, position, phone number and e-mail address of the employee (all other fields as well as profile pictures are optional) and choose which access rights this employee should have. When you click on Apps Access you will be able to select which rights you want to give this employee. You can select individual apps and decide for each app whether the employee should have full access to the app or, for example, only reading rights.
By clicking on Save, payever sends an invitation email with a login link to your employee. When the employee opens this link, he is asked to set a password. With this password and the email address to which the invitation was sent the employee can then log into the account again whenever he needs to in the future.
(Your employee cannot find the invitation email? Please also check the spam folder!)
Please note that your employee must call up the invitation within 24 hours - if he doesn't, the invitation expires. You then have to click on resend in the tile of this employee in order to send him a new invitation.
From the point of view of your employees, your account will look a bit different - your employees will generally only see apps on the dashboard for which they have at least reading rights, all others will not even be displayed.
If an employee tries to perform an action within an app for which he/she does not have sufficient rights, he/she will receive a corresponding pop-up error message stating that he/she is not authorized to perform this action.
Alternative option of inviting employees
Instead of adding your employees manually, you can also automatically approve accounts with certain email domains for your business. All email addresses of this domain can register directly to your business via a specific link. Please note that with this option, employees are automatically assigned the position "Employee" and automatically have access to all apps.
To activate a specific domain for inviting your employees, you need to go to your business settings:
There you can select Whitelist domains under Business details:
Enter the mail domain you want to automatically approve here, e.g., and confirm this with Add domain. You can then copy the link under Copy registration URL. Don't forget to save your settings:
You can forward the copied registration link to your employees. If they register via the link, they will first be displayed with the status "Invited" in your employee administration until they confirm their email address by clicking Activate access now:
After clicking the link in the email, the corresponding person has full access to the respective business and the status of the profile in the employee administration is "Activeā€¯. If a person with a different email domain registers via the link, they will receive the status "Needs Approval" in the employee administration. You can activate this account manually under "Approve":