In this article you will learn how to search for specific transactions or groups of transactions in the Transactions app and how to carry out simple analyses.
Start by opening your Transactions App. You find it on the Home Screen under Business Apps.
You can filter according to the following criteria:
- ID
- Reference
- Date
- Payment type
- status
- Specific status
- Channel (e.g. link, point of sale, shop system)
- Amount
- Total
- Currency
- Customer name & email
- Merchant name & email
Depending on the search criteria, you can also enter whether the displayed results should be the same, different, larger or smaller than the entered value. For example, with customer name you only have the option is or is not, with numerical amounts you would also have greater than, less than and between.
It is also possible to filter according to several criteria at the same time, for example you could create an overview of all transactions of the payment method installment loan between May 1st and May 10th, which have a total amount of more than €1000.
Here is an example in screenshots, in which all transactions on a specific date were searched:
In the top left you can always see which filters you currently have active. Just click on the x if you want to remove the filter. If you export the transaction list while you have a filter active, the exported list will only contain the transactions that match your filter criteria.