The payment option Google Pay is offered through our partner Stripe.
Please note that in addition to a payever account (created free of cost) you also need a Stripe account. In your payever account please go to Checkout App > Payment Options > + Add > Google Pay and click on the Connect button. This will redirect you to the Stripe online registration form where you can either log in or create a new account. You may find test credentials here.
Germany: 1.4% + 0.25€ transaction fee for European cards or 2.9% + 0.25€ for non-European cards.
Denmark: 1.4% + 1.80kr transaction fee for European cards or 2.9% + 1.80kr for non-European cards.
Norway: 2.4% + 2kr transaction fee on Norwegian cards or 2.9% + 2kr for international cards.
Sweden: 1.4% + 1.80kr transaction fee for European cards or 2.9% + 1.80kr for non-European cards.
US: 2.9% + 30¢ per successful card charge.
UK: 1.4% + 20p transaction fee for European cards or 2.9% + 120p for non-European cards.
For the prices of other countries, please refer to the corresponding Stripe country-specific website.
How to install Google Pay in your payever account
Step 1: Configure payment option
In order to configure Google Pay, first open the Checkout app. To do this, either click on the Checkout symbol under Business Apps or click on the Manage or Open button on the Checkout section.
You can find the payment methods tab in the navigation bar on the left.
Click on + Add.
Now you can select Google Pay from the list that now appears and click on install.
When the installation is complete you need to click Open.
You will then be redirected to Stripe by clicking Connect.
Step 2: Connect with Google Pay (Stripe)
You will now be forwarded to Stripe where you can log into your Stripe account. Now follow the instructions and provide the required information. At the end of the process you will be redirected back to payever.
Step 3: Activate Google Pay in your payever account
Check whether the toggle switch next to "Google Pay" is blue and the payment method is therefore activated.
You can activate or deactivate the payment method in your payever account at any time. If you deactivate the payment methods by clicking the toggle switch, they will automatically disappear from your shop without you having to configure this in your shop backend (of course, this also works the other way around - when activating a payment method).
Step 4: Configure Google Pay settings
Click on "Open" to access the settings for the payment method (listed under "Standard").
- Merchant covers fees - If this checkbox is not ticked and the customer therefore pays the fees, the fees are automatically shown in the checkout when using our plugins, so that this is transparent for the customer. Please note that depending on the jurisdiction in the country in which you are active, it is not always necessarily permissible in all cases to charge the customer the payment provider fees (there are various regulations and restrictions here, which you should find out yourself and take into account accordingly - payever or Stripe accept no liability in this regard).
Capture transaction manually - If this option is activated, payments are initially only authorised after receipt of the order and are only collected when you manually confirm the shipping of goods in the payever account (or in the backend of your shop system). If manual capture is not activated, payments are captured automatically after the order is received. In the case of manual capture, incoming successful transactions initially have the status in process and only change to accepted once you have confirmed the shipping of the goods (button "ship goods" in payever or equivalent action in your shop system, in accordance with our plugin instructions), in the case of automatic capture, transactions directly receive the status accepted. Unsuccessful transactions receive the status Failed. In case of manual capture, please make sure that you report the transactions sent within 7 days (may vary, please refer to your contract with Stripe), otherwise the authorisation will expire and the transaction can no longer be activated (this means your customer's card will not be charged and you will also not receive a payout from Stripe for this transaction).
- Credit card statement descriptor: Enter here which text should appear on the credit card statement of your customers.
- Redirect to shop after checkout - If activated, your customer will be redirected directly to your order confirmation/success page after completing payment.
Finally, please do not forget to click on "Save" so that the settings you have made are applied.
Payments and settlements
You receive the payouts of the amounts that your customers have paid via this payment method directly from Stripe to the account that you have stored in your Stripe account (the money does not take a diversion via payever).
When exactly or at what interval these payments are made is not uniformly defined by Stripe and may vary from merchant to merchant (e.g. according to your country of residence, the risk factor of your industry, and the corresponding settings in your Stripe account). You can find more information on this in the Stripe documentation.
Please note that payever generally has no insight into the payouts transferred to you by Stripe, nor are we authorised to obtain information from Stripe on your behalf regarding your payouts. If you miss the payout for a transaction in the "Accepted" status or have any other questions about the payout, please log into your Stripe account and use the support chat there to get a quick response to your concern.
Please note that Google Pay via Stripe is a payment method intended exclusively for mobile devices using an Android OS. Your customers cannot therefore pay with these payment methods on a stationary PC or with an Android device.
Ideally, the payment method should therefore not be displayed if the user visits your website with a corresponding non-supported device. If you integrate via API, please take this into account - if you use one of our plugins, a corresponding hiding mechanism may already be automatically stored after installation (shop system-dependent). If in doubt, please contact