As a green payment method, Ivy combines payment and sustainability. Ivy structurally reduces transaction fees through Open Banking. Ivy uses these cost savings to offer merchants the lowest transaction fees on the market and at the same time finance climate protection projects with every transaction.
How to install Ivy in your payever account
Step 1: Install Ivy
In order to configure Ivy, first open the Checkout app. To do this, click on the Checkout symbol under Business Apps or the Manage or Open button in the Checkout section.
Click payment methods in the sidebar on the left.
Click on Add.
In the now-appearing list of all available payment methods, search for Ivy and click install.
After the installation is complete please click Open.
Step 2: Configure Ivy
Enter now the API key and Signing Secret, which you should have already received. Please also select whether you have received a SEPA or a SEPA-Instant configuration from IVY. This is crucial for the system to function appropriately - if you do not know which setup is correct for you, please reach out to IVY.
Afterwards, click the Connect button to continue.
In the last step, you can choose whether you want your customers to get redirected to your shop after the payment and if you want to receive notifications via mail. After choosing your preferences, click on Save to save your settings and on Done afterwards to complete the installation process.
Ivy is now set up entirely and can be offered directly as a new payment method to your customers.
Step 3: Deactivate and reactivate Ivy
You can activate or deactivate the payment method in your payever account at any time. If you deactivate the payment method by clicking the toggle switch, it will automatically disappear from your shop without you having to configure this in your shop backend (of course, this also works the other way around - when activating a payment method).