What is the Ivy Widget?
The Ivy widget can either be placed on the product page or in the cart and allows customers to use the Ivy express-checkout option. Due to the prominent placement in the online shop customers will use Ivy more often, which reduces the usage of other, more expensive payment methods.
How to implement the Widget?
Before implementing the widget, please make sure you have set up WooCommerce and Ivy correctly for your webshop.
1. Open the Checkout App
Open the Checkout App out of the App selection on the main screen.
2. Select Button
Select Channels in the left sidebar and afterwards Button from the menu.
3. Retrieve the Widget & Checkout ID and optionally adapt the Widget
Optionally adapt the Widget's colours using the menu under the white dot. Afterwards, click the Get Code button in the upper right corner.
Copy the Widget ID & Checkout ID.
4. Set up the Widget in your WooCommerce Shop
Navigate to Settings, payever and Express Widget in your WooCommerce store.
Paste the copied Widget and Checkout ID from the payever platform.
You can choose whether the widget shall appear on the product page, the cart or both.
The implementation is now finished and the widget can be used by your customers.