In this article you will learn how to set up different payment options and how you can set up your Checkout.
Set up payment options
First go to the Connect App. You will find this App in the Business Apps tile on the Dashboard.
Click on Payments in the left navigation bar. Now you can choose any payment option that you want to offer in your checkout and install it by clicking on install.
Enter your credentials
With the payment methods credit card, direct debit, Sofortüberweisung and Paypal just click the Connect button and you will be forwarded to the respective payment provider. There you connect your existing account or create a new one.
For the payment methods Installments, Invoice, Factoring and Direct Bank Transfer you have to enter the access data that you have received from Santander and then click on Connect (if you have not been in touch with Santander before, please contact
Here you can find more detailed instructions of how to set up a specific payment method.
Regardless of the payment method, please make sure that you always enter your access data in the Default tab.
To go to your Checkout click in the Dashboard the Checkout App in the Business App tile or scroll down and click on the Checkout tile onto open. You will now see the preview of your Checkout. You can use your own branding and modify colours, buttons, style and add brand icons. Read this guide here if you want to learn how to modify style and branding of your Checkout!
If you have finalised all settings regarding the Checkout, it can for example look like this: